Distribuirea mărimii particulelor influenţează proprietăţile fizice şi chimice ale materialelor solide. Prin urmare, acest criteriu este extrem de important în contextul ştiinţific şi al controlului de calitate. Numai dacă distribuirea mărimilor rămâne constantă se poate garanta o calitate stabilă a produsului, după cum arată următoarele exemple:
Many natural and manufactured materials occur in a disperse form, which means that they consist of differently shaped and sized particles. The particle size distribution, i.e. the number of particles of different sizes, is responsible for important physical and chemical properties.
Such as:
• mechanical bulk behavior
• surface reaction
• taste
• miscibility
• filtration properties
• conductivity
This list could be continued at great length. The examples clearly show how important it is to have a knowledge of the particle distribution, particularly within the context of quality assurance in the production of bulk goods. If the particle distribution changes during the manufacturing process then the quality of the finished product will also change. Only a continuous monitoring of the particle size distribution can guarantee a constant product quality.