A Ring and Puck Mill is a laboratory sample mill used for the rapid pulverization of hard, brittle materials to a fine powder. The device uses grinding sets which consist of a grinding container equipped with one puck-shaped grinding element, additionally one or two rings can be used. During operation, the grinding container is subjected to high-speed rotational movement. The plate with the grinding set is subjected to circular horizontal vibrations. The centrifugal force acting on the grinding rings and the puck results in extreme pressure and frictional forces acting on the sample, producing analytical fineness in 1-3 minutes. Ring and Puck Mills are widely used in geological, mining, and metallurgical laboratories for sample preparation before analysis, offering a quick and effective means to prepare samples for X-ray diffraction, spectroscopy, or other analytical techniques.
Another term for Ring and Puck Mill is Vibratory Cup Mill or Vibratory Disc Mill. Retsch offers two different models of these instruments. The larger one, the Vibratory Disc Mill RS 300, works with grinding sets up to 2000 ml. The grinding sets 800 ml, 1000 ml and 2000 ml truly work with a disc. The 400 ml grinding set and the 50 ml grinding set use a puck, the 400 ml grinding set also has a ring. Thus, also the RS 300 can be regarded as a Ring and Puck mill or a Vibratory Cup Mill. 100 ml and 250 ml grinding sets of the RS 200, both coming with a ring and a puck, can be used in the RS 300 with adapters. Thus, the RS 300 is a true Ring and Puck mill.
Principiu de funcţionare Ring and Puck Mills
50 ml | 100 ml | 250 ml | 400 ml | 800 ml | 1000 ml | 2000 ml | |
RS 200 | Puck | Puck & Ring | - | - | - | - | |
RS 300 | Puck | Used from RS 200 with adapter | Puck & Ring | Disc | Disc | Disc |
RETSCH’s Ring and Puck Mills rapidly pulverize materials such as cement, cement clinker, ceramics, coal, coke, concrete, corundum, glass, metal oxides, minerals, ores, silicate, slag, soil, etc.
RETSCH’s RS 200 or RS 300 are the instruments of choice for processing hard and brittle samples such as limestone or clinker prior to XRF analysis. Due to centrifugal forces the grinding ring and puck act with high impact and friction on the sample, allowing both mills to produce a final fineness down to 20 µm, depending on the sample material. With this size reduction principle, the required analytical fineness is usually achieved within seconds. This is advantageous for quality control processes where the analysis results are needed quickly, e.g. for product approval.
The grinding sets available in sizes up to 250 ml for the RS 200 accept maximum initial particle sizes of 15 mm and perform circular oscillations with 700 to 1500 rpm. Operating the mill is very ergonomic with carry handles for the grinding sets, a quick-action clamping system and a rail on which the grinding sets easily slide into the correct position. Application example - fine grinding of cement clinker: 200 ml of a sample with particle sizes up to 12 mm were milled in the RS 200 at 1500 rpm, using a grinding set of 250 ml stainless steel. After only 60 seconds, a fineness of 85 microns was achieved.
The RS 300 is used for the same applications as the RS 200 but accepts initial particle sizes of up to 20 mm. A maximum of 4 samples may be processed simultaneously, depending on the accessories used. The RS 300 accepts grinding set weights of up to 30 kg and sample volumes up to 2000 ml. The pneumatic grinding-jar clamping and the optional AutoLifter for heavy grinding sets ensure convenient and safe handling. Application example - fine grinding of raw cement: 2000 ml of a cement clinker sample were pulverized in the RS 300, using a grinding set of 2000 ml hardened steel. The initial particle size of the sample was approx. 35 mm but due to the brittle nature of the material, it was no problem to process it in the RS 300 without preliminary size reduction. After 6 min, a fineness of 100 microns was achieved. The RS 200 pulverizes this material much faster but would require a much smaller feed size. So regardless of the user’s requirements, RETSCH offers a suitable mill.
The degree of homogenization of both mills was compared by grinding a mixture of two different materials in the RS 200 and the RS 300. In the RS 300, 950 g quartz and 50 g tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) were milled for 4 min at 912 rpm in a 2000 ml grinding set of hardened steel. Samples were then taken from different locations in the grinding jar, one at 120°, one at 240° and one at 360° with different depths (surface, center and bottom). The same sampling was done after grinding 118.75 g quartz and 6.25 g Ta2O5 for 1 min at 1500 rpm in a 250 ml grinding set of hardened steel in the RS 200. The achieved fineness of D 97 = 100 µm was identical in both the RS 300 and the RS 200. The pulverized samples were then mixed with Licowax® and pressed in 40 mm aluminum cups with the Pellet Press PP 40. The settings were 20 t pressure and 20 secs.
The pellets were analyzed using the Spectro Xepos P spectrometer. The main focus was on the concentration of Tantalum in the pellets taken from the different locations in the grinding jar. To represent the original quartz-tantalum mixture each pellet should contain 50 mg Ta2O5 per g or 41 mg Ta per g. All samples showed values very close to this calculated value. Very good homogeneity was observed, all samples showed comparable negligible variations of the tantalum content, independent of the location of sampling or the mill used. The relative standard deviation with a maximum of ±0.54 mg/g was very low and the overlay spectra of all measurements showed very good matching.
Measurement of Tantalum
Instrumentele RETSCH sunt utilizate în ştiinţă şi industrie pentru pregătirea probelor pentru o gamă largă de metode analitice, precum şi pentru analiza mărimii particulelor în contextul controlului producţiei şi controlului calităţii. RETSCH onorează cererea tot mai mare din aceste domenii cu o filozofie de produs clară, bazată pe un citat din Aristotel: "Întregul este mai mare decât suma părților sale" ("The whole is greater than the sum of its parts")
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