
Moara tăietoare SM 100

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Cutting Mill SM 100

Cutting Mill SM 100 complete with collecting receptacle, 5 litres
(please order rotor, hopper, bottom sieve and optional base frame separately)
SM 1003~ 400 V, 50 Hz
SM 100220–230 V, 50/60 Hz, with frequency converter
SM 1003~ 400 V, 50 Hz,
for grinding without heavy-metal contamination 
SM 100220–230 V, 50/60 Hz, with frequency converter,
for grinding without heavy-metal contamination 
22.824.0005Base frame with wheels for SM 100
other electrical versions available

Rotors SM 100, SM 200, SM 300

Ajutor selecție
Ajutor selecție
Tipuri de rotor:

  • Rotor cu 6 discuri cu plăcuțe demontabile și reversibile din carbură de wolfram:
    acționează ca un tocător; potrivit in special pentru materiale mediu-dure

  • Rotor cu secțiuni paralele: 
    acționează ca un topor; potrivit în special pentru materiale moi, elastice și fibroase

  • V-rotor (doar pentru SM 300): 
    acționează ca o foarfecă; potrivit în special pentru materiale dure, moi și fibroase, eficiență îmbunătățită de măcinare
Materiale disponibile:

  • Oțel inoxidabil: 
    potrivit pentru majoritatea aplicațiilor

  • Oțel 1.0580: 
    adecvat atunci când abraziunea metalelor grele reprezintă o problemă, e. g. când urmează să fie analizat conținutul de metale grele

    Instrumentele de măcinare fără metale grele sunt special concepute pentru măcinarea probelor care sunt analizate pentru conținutul lor de metale grele. Cu toate acestea, abraziunea instrumentelor de măcinat nu poate fi niciodată evitată în totalitate.
22.608.00226-disc rotor, stainless steel, with reversible cutting tips of tungsten carbide
22.608.00286-disc rotor, steel 1.0580, with reversible cutting tips of tungsten carbide, for grinding without heavy-metal contamination
22.608.0021Parallel section rotor, stainless steel
22.608.0018Parallel section rotor, steel 1.0580, for grinding without heavy-metal contamination


Ajutor selecție
Ajutor selecție
Available hoppers:

  • Universal hopper - standard applications
    The sample can be forced against the rotor with the plunger, resulting in very good grinding efficiency.

  • Long stock hopper - ideal for processing longish samples like twigs
    Also suitable for free flowing samples like corn.
22.785.0007Universal hopper with plastic plunger
for SM 100
22.408.0004Long stock hopper with wooden plunger
for SM 100

Additional plungers for universal hopper

Ajutor selecție
Ajutor selecție
Plungers for neutral-to-analysis grinding:

  • Aluminum plunger is cleaned very easily

  • Plastic plunger is suitable for cleaning in a dish washer

  • Wooden plunger is used if a natural material is preferred
22.725.0010Plastic plunger
22.725.0011Wooden plunger
22.725.0012Aluminum plunger

Bottom sieves SM 100, SM 200, SM 300

Bottom sieves of stainless steel

Ajutor selecție
Ajutor selecție
Available materials:

  • Stainless steel:
    suitable for most applications

  • Steel 1.0353:
    suitable when abrasion of heavy metals is a problem, e. g. when the heavy metal content is to be analyzed

    Heavy-metal-free grinding tools are specifically designed for preparing samples which are analyzed for their heavy metal content. However, abrasion of grinding tools can never be avoided completely.
Please note:
Fibrous materials like straw may pass the pores of the sieves lengthwise. This means that fibers longer than the aperture size of the used sieve may remain in the sample.
Găuri trapezoidale0.25 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale0.50 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale0.75 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale1.00 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale1.50 mm 
Găuri pătrate2.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate3.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate4.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate6.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate8.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate10.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate20.00 mm 

Bottom sieves of steel 1.0353 for grinding without heavy-metal contamination

Ajutor selecție
Ajutor selecție
Available materials:

  • Stainless steel:
    suitable for most applications

  • Steel 1.0353:
    suitable when abrasion of heavy metals is a problem, e. g. when the heavy metal content is to be analyzed

    Heavy-metal-free grinding tools are specifically designed for preparing samples which are analyzed for their heavy metal content. However, abrasion of grinding tools can never be avoided completely.
Please note:
Fibrous materials like straw may pass the pores of the sieves lengthwise. This means that fibers longer than the aperture size of the used sieve may remain in the sample.
Găuri trapezoidale0.25 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale0.50 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale0.75 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale1.00 mm 
Găuri trapezoidale1.50 mm 
Găuri pătrate2.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate3.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate4.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate6.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate8.00 mm 
Găuri pătrate10.00 mm 

Accessories SM 100, SM 200, SM 300


Collecting receptacles

22.003.0008Collecting unit 250 / 500 ml, incl. 2 sample bottles
22.523.0001Sample bottles, 250 ml, 10 pieces
22.003.0007Collecting receptacle, 5 litres, stainless steel
22.003.0010Collecting receptacle, 26 litres, plastic, incl. adapter and filter hose
22.187.0006Ring-type filter for collecting receptacle, 5 litres
22.748.0001Dust filter clamping rings for ring-type filter, incl. 5 dust filters
05.742.0008Dust filters for ring-type filter, 1 piece (please order amount multiple of 25 pcs.)
22.187.0007Filter hose for collecting receptacle, 5 litres, incl. holder

Accessories for Rotors

05.908.0001Reversible cutting tips, tungsten carbide, for 6-disc rotor, 10 pieces
22.151.0004Cutting plates, stainless steel, for parallel section rotor, 1 set (3 pieces)
22.151.0006Cutting plates, steel 1.1740, for parallel section rotor, 1 set (3 pieces)for grinding without heavy-metal contamination
for grinding without heavy-metal contamination

Stationary cutting bars

22.152.0007Cutting bars, stainless steel, 1 set (3 pieces) for SM 100
22.152.0009Cutting bars, steel 1.1740, 1 set (3 pieces) for SM 100for grinding without heavy-metal contamination
22.608.0035Adjustment aid for cutting bars

Additional items SM 100, SM 200, SM 300

22.225.0002Replacement extraction tool for rotor
22.111.0003Gasket for door SM 100 / SM 200 / SM 300, 1 piece
99.200.0032IQ/OQ Documentation for SM 100

Further information