
Planetary Ball Mill PM 300

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The Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 is a powerful and ergonomic benchtop model with two grinding stations for grinding jar volumes up to 500 ml. This setup allows for processing up to 2 x 220 ml sample material per batch. Thanks to the high maximum speed of 800 rpm, extremely high centrifugal forces result in very high pulverization energy and consequently in short processing times.

The PM 300 is ideally suited for virtually all industries where the quality control process places the highest demands on purity, speed, fineness and reproducibility. Thanks to its enormous energy input of up to 64.4 times the acceleration of gravity, this mill is the perfect choice for tasks in research like mechanochemistry (co-crystal screening, mechanosynthesis, mechanical alloying and mechano-catalysis), or for ultrafine colloidal grinding on a nanometer scale.

The powerful, ergonomic Planetary Ball Mill

  • Max. speed 800 rpm, large sun wheel
  • Up to 10 mm feed size and 0.1 µm final fineness
  • 2 grinding stations for jars of min. 12 ml and max. 500 ml, jars of 12 – 80 ml can be stacked (two jars each)
  • GrindControl to measure temperature and pressure inside the jar.
  • Aeriation lids to control the atmosphere inside the jar
  • Bench top model, touch screen, storable SOPs and cycle programs, 5 different jar materials for dry and wet grinding

Safe and easy handling

  • Easy and safe clamping of the grinding jars thanks to lockable sun wheel
  • Sistemul de siguranță Safety Slider împiedică pornirea mașinii fără ca incintele să fie bine fixate
  • Perfect stability on the lab bench thanks to FFCS -technology
  • Comfortable parameter setting via Touch display 
  • Automatic grinding chamber ventilation with directed air stream for perfect jar cooling
  • Programmable starting time 
  • Both grinding jars are freely accessible
  • Ergonomic clamping unit with smooth surfaces

Settings & Options

  • Dry and wet milling possible
  • Potrivit pentru măcinări de lungă durată 99:59:59 h max.
  • Programmable breaks e.g. for cooling
  • Automatic calculation of the total process time
  • Inversarea sensului de rotație ajută la minimizarea efectelor de colmatare
  • Smart service interval notification based on usage
Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 -Settings & Options


  • Reproducible results due to speed control
  • Indication of load-defined speed, independent of set speed
  • 12 SOPs and 4 cycle programs can be stored
  • Backup-ul în caz de pană de curent asigură memorarea timpului de măcinare rămas
Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 -Settings & Options

The best alternative to a Retsch planetary ball mill? A Retsch mixer mill.

Benefit from particularly ergonomic handling while achieving the same finenesses down to the nanometer range.

Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 Safety first:
Automated notification of clamping force

Operation of the RETSCH planetary ball mills is particularly safe. They feature a robust Safety Slider which ensures that the mill can only be started after the grinding jar has been securely fixed with a clamping device. The self-acting lock ensures that the jar is seated correctly and securely. This proven solid mechanical system is less failure-prone than electronic solutions - the user has full access to the sample at any time. When the electronic system fails, it is not possible to unlock the jars, for example. A unique safety feature of the PM 300 is an acoustic signal and notification in the display when the clamping unit has been fixed with the required force of 25 Nm. RETSCH offers a convenient clamping aid to facilitate the process. This is particularly helpful when the machine is operated in the upper speed range between 600 and 800 rpm.

Safety first: Automated notification of clamping force - Planetary Ball Mill PM 300

Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 Wet and nano-scale grinding with the PM 300

Măcinarea umedă este utilizată pentru a obține dimensiuni de particule sub 5 µm, deoarece particulele mici tind să se încarce pe suprafețele lor și să se aglomereze, ceea ce face dificilă măcinarea ulterioară în regim uscat. Prin adăugarea unui lichid sau a unui dispersant, particulele pot fi dispersate.

Pentru a produce particule foarte fine de 100 nm sau mai puțin (măcinare la scară nanometrică) prin măcinare umedă, sunt necesare mai degrabă forțe de frecare decât de impact. Acest lucru se realizează prin utilizarea unui număr mare de bile de măcinare mici, care au o suprafață mare și multe puncte de frecare. Nivelul ideal de umplere al incintei ar trebui să fie format din 60% bile mici de măcinare.

Pentru mai multe detalii despre umplerea incintei, măcinarea umedă și recuperarea probei măcinate, urmăriți videoclipul.

În acest material video este prezentată măcinarea umedă în Moara Planetară cu Bile PM 100.

Titanium dioxide in 125 ml Jar

The graphic shows the result of pulverizing titanium dioxide (TiO2) at 650 rpm and 800 rpm in the PM 300 and the net processing time. With the higher energy input at 800 rpm, the particle size decreases faster. However, the increased warming effects at 800 rpm should also be considered, as they might make longer breaks necessary.

Titanium dioxide in 125 ml Jar - Planetary Ball Mill PM 300

Net processing time of titanium dioxide with 0.1 mm grinding balls in sodium phosphate solution

RETSCH Planetary Ball Mills are perfectly suited for processes like mechanical alloying or mechanosynthesis. For most reactions, the 1:-2 speed ratio of jar to sun wheel of the models PM 100 and PM 200 is fully adequate, as the ball charge produces enough impact energy. However, greater energy is required for some reactions. Here the PM 400 MA can be used with the increased speed ratio of 1:-2.5 or 1:-3.0.

The PM 300 works with a speed ratio of 1:-2, but in contrast to other models, it reaches up to 64.4 x acceleration of gravity thanks to the maximum speed of 800 rpm and the large sun wheel. Together with the option to use four small, stackable grinding jars sized 12 to 80 ml for small scale operations, or two jars sized up to 500 ml for upscaling purposes, this planetary ball mill is highly suitable for research applications in mechanochemistry.

Applications in Mechanochemistry - Planetary Ball Mill PM 300

Achievable acceleration in different planetary ball mills dependent on speed setting

Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 EasyFit grinding jars for excellent results

The performance and the result of sample preparation are also determined by the choice of the grinding jar and its ball charge. The EasyFit range of jars has been specially designed for extreme working conditions such as long-term trials, even at maximum speed of 800 rpm, wet grinding, high mechanical loads and maximum speeds as well as for mechanical alloying. This line of jars is suitable for all RETSCH planetary ball mills.

The new EasyFit grinding jar series features a structure on the bottom of the 50-500 ml jars called Advanced Anti-Twist (AAT). This ensures that the jars are tightly fixed without the risk of twisting, even at high speed, and that wear and tear is drastically reduced. Secure clamping of the jars is made much easier: to find the correct clamping position, a maximum twist of 60° is required.

The geometry of the EasyFit jars in the 50 ml and 250 ml sizes has been enlarged in diameter and reduced in height compared to the previous "comfort" models. This offers two advantages: better grinding results and interchangeable lids, as there are only three diameter dimensions for the entire grinding jar range.

Diameter categories

  • Diameter 1: 12 ml and 25 ml grinding jars
  • Diameter 2: 50 ml, 80 ml and 125 ml grinding jars
  • Diameter 3: 250 ml and 500 ml grinding jars

  • Available jar sizes: 12 ml / 25 ml / 50 ml / 80 ml / 125 ml / 250 ml / 500 ml
  • Innovative Advanced Anti-Twist (AAT) function ensures secure fit of grinding jars
  • High flexibility thanks to suitability of three lid sizes for all seven jar sizes
  • Pressure-tight and dust-proof O-ring sealing prevents material spillage
  • Jars and balls available in 5 materials: hardened stainless steel, tungsten carbide, agate, sintered aluminium oxide, zirconium oxide
  • Stainless steel protective jacket for agate, sintered aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide and tungsten carbide grinding jars
  • O fantă între incintă și capac permite deschiderea ușoară a capacului, exp. cu ajutorul unei spatule în cazul unor efecte de subpresiune în interiorul incintei.
EasyFit grinding jars for excellent results - Planetary Ball Mill PM 300

Adapter for special applications

With a special adapter, co-crystal screening can be carried out in a planetary ball mill, using disposable vials such as 1.5 ml GC glass vials. The adapter features 24 positions arranged in an outer ring with 16 positions and an inner ring with 8 positions. The outer ring accepts up to 16 vials, allowing for screening up to 64 samples simultaneously when using the Planetary Ball Mill PM 400. The 8 positions of the inner ring are suitable to perform trials with different energy input, e.g. for mechanosynthesis research.


Jars & lids for special applications 

  • For colloidal or wet grinding, the use of a grinding jar with a special closure device is recommended
  • The special closure device is designed for ergonomic handling
  • Capacele cu supape de gaz sunt concepute pentru lucrul în atmosferă inertă, de exemplu, atunci când oxigenul poate influența procesul de măcinare. Capacele permit introducerea unor gaze precum argon sau azot în incinta de măcinare.
  • Sistem opțional de măsurare a presiunii și temperaturii PM GrindControl

Both the aeration lid and GrindControl can now be equipped with inlays of different materials. Thus, the lid can be used for, e. g. a steel and a zirconium oxide jar by simply exchanging the inlay.

Jars & lids for special applications  - Planetary Ball Mill PM 300
Jars & lids for special applications  - Planetary Ball Mill PM 300
Aeriation lid

Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 Recomandare pentru umplerea incintelor

Pentru a obține rezultate optime de măcinare, dimensiunea incintei trebuie adaptată la cantitatea de probă care urmează să fie prelucrată. Dimensiunea ideală a bilelor de măcinare trebuie sa fie de 3 ori mai mare decât cea mai mare particulă din probă. Respectând această regulă empirică, numărul bilelor de  măcinare pentru fiecare dimensiune a bilelor și volum al incintei este indicat în tabelul de mai jos. De exemplu, pentru a măcina 200 ml probă formată din particule de 7 mm, se recomandă o incintă de 500 ml și bile de 20 mm diametru sau mai mari. Conform tabelului sunt necesare 25 de bile de măcinare.

Volum nominal
incintă de măcinare
Volum probă Dimensiune max. probă Încărcătura de bile recomandată (bucăți)
Ø 5 mm Ø 7 mm Ø 10 mm Ø 15 mm Ø 20 mm Ø 30 mm
12 ml până la ≤5 ml <1 mm 50 15 5 - - -
25 ml până la ≤10 ml <1 mm 95 – 100 25 – 30 10 - - -
50 ml 5 – 20 ml <3 mm 200 50 – 70 20 7 3 – 4 -
80 ml 10 – 35 ml <4 mm 250 – 330 70 – 120 30 - 40 12 5 -
125 ml 15 – 50 ml <4 mm 500 110 – 180 50 – 60 18 7 -
250 ml 25 – 120 ml <6 mm 1100 – 1200 220 – 350 100 – 120 35 – 45 15 5
500 ml 75 – 220 ml <10 mm 2000 440 – 700 200 – 230 70 25 8

If a pulverization process in a planetary ball mill is successful depends on the machine settings but also on the filling level of the grinding jar. The usable volume of the jars depends on the type of sample material. The number of grinding balls given in the table reflect the minimum amount per jar. A better result is obtained with a larger number of suitable balls, if indicated. In exceptional cases, the number of balls can be reduced by not more than 15%; however, that will result in increased wear of the grinding tools.

Very hard, abrasive:
Industrial diamonds
Very hard, abrasive: Industrial diamonds

11 g sample
50 ml tungsten carbide grinding jars
4 x 20 mm tungsten carbide grinding balls
4 min at 400 rpm

Sodalite mineral
Hard-brittle: Sodalite mineral

85 g sample
125 ml zirconium oxide grinding jars
7 x 20 mm zirconium oxide grinding balls
12 min at 500 rpm

Nano grinding:
Aluminum oxide
Nano grinding: Aluminum oxide

100 g sample + 190 ml sodium-phosphate solution
500 ml zirconium oxide grinding jars
1 kg 2 mm zirconium oxide grinding balls
3:30 min net-grinding at 650 rpm

Grinding breaks help to keep temperature lower

Medium-hard, tough:
Polyester terephthalate resin
Medium-hard, tough: Polyester terephthalate resin

125 g sample
500 ml zirconium oxide grinding jars
8 x 30 mm zirconium oxide grinding balls
3 min at 350 rpm



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Planetary Ball Mill PM 300 Principiu de funcţionare

În moara planetară cu bile incintele de măcinare sunt dispuse excentric pe un "disc solar". Discul se rotește în sens opus mișcării incintelor de măcinare, în raport de 1:-2. Bilele din incinte sunt supuse unor mișcări de rotație suprapuse, așa-numitele forțe Coriolis.

Diferența de viteză dintre bile și incintele de măcinare produce o interacțiune între forțele de frecare și de impact care eliberează energii dinamice ridicate. Interacțiunea dintre aceste forțe are ca rezultat un grad ridicat și foarte eficient de reducere a dimensiunilor în moara planetară cu bile.

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