
Concasor cu falci BB 500 Best combination of power and final fineness

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The Jaw Crusher BB 500 is specifically designed for accepting large feed sizes up to 110 mm. The gap width can be set stepless from 0-11 mm. Depending on the sample material, particle sizes down to 0.5 mm can be obtained in one working run, resulting in an excellent crushing ratio of 220. A throughput of up to 500 kg/h is possible with the BB 500.

The RETSCH jaw crusher series is available in 8 different sizes. Throughput and final fineness depend on the crusher type, selected gap width and breaking properties of the sample material.

Robust design, simple handling and cleaning are the features of the RETSCH jaw crusher models. Small amounts of sample are processed batchwise; for larger amounts the crushers can be operated continuously. 

Concasor cu falci BB 500 Superioritate în detalii

The BB 500 is a robust and powerful force-fed crusher characterized by its excellent crushing ratio. Thanks to the steep crushing chamber design, the highly effective crushing kinematics and the high frequency of the jaw movement it is possible to process samples with a feed size of up to 110 mm to a final fineness of 90 % below 0.5 mm in one working run.

The continuous gap width setting with scale ensures optimum size reduction in accordance with the set gap width. The receptacle for collecting the sample after crushing keeps up to 15 l sample per batch.

The feed hopper with splash-back protection can be removed quickly and easily. The BB 500 has a connection for dust extraction and is protected against mechanical overload.

Cleaning the crushing chamber is done quickly and easily thanks to removable hopper and exchangeable jaws and wearing plates. 

Scale for continuous gap width setting

Scale for continuous gap width setting

Jaws and wearing plates can be replaced

Jaws and wearing plates can be replaced

Concasor cu falci BB 500 Probe Tipice

Concasoarele puternice RETSCH sunt ideale pentru măcinarea primară a materialelor de construcții, a minereurilor, granitului, ceramicii de oxid, cuarțului, zgurii, siliciului, cărbunelui, aliajelor de tungsten, clincherului de ciment, etc.







calcium silicate

calcium silicate

Pentru a găsi cea mai bună soluție de măcinare accesați baza noastră de date

Concasorul BB 500 este un concasor robust și puternic, cu alimentare forțată. Materialul de alimentare trece prin sita fără recul și intră în camera de concasare.

Reducerea dimensiunii are loc în zona aflata între brațul fix și unul oscilant cu o frecvență ridicată, acest lucru asigurand macinanarea probei la finețea stabilita într-o singură etapă de lucru.

Două volante masive transmit forțe mari fălcilor de strivire. Designul inovator permite folosirea ambelor părți ale fălcilor datorită unei rotații de 180 °. Daca proba este mai mică decât lățimea spațiului dintre falci, cade într-un colector detașabil.

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