A faultless and comparable analysis is closely linked to accurate sample handling. Only a sample representative of the initial material can provide meaningful analysis results. Rotating sample dividers ensure the representativeness of a sample and thus the reproducibility of the analysis.
The rotating sample divider PT 300 is specially designed for representative, dust-free division and volume reduction of large amounts of powdered or granular bulk materials. The selection of different dividing modules determines the dividing ratio and the sample amount.
The PT 300 is available in configurations for the division of either 30 l or 60 l sample material.
The sample is fed as a continuous stream at a controlled rate via the chute. Either one part sample is extracted or the stream is divided into equal segments by the action of a “circle” of segmental buckets rotating beneath it. The unit operates in accordance with internationally recognized sampling protocols and divides samples in a representative and reproducible way.
Two modules in one machine allow for both batch-processing and continuous sampling with reject. Due to a range of various segment size combinations a variety of volumes can be divided (no additional machine needed).
Aplicabilitate | eșantionare, distribuție eșantioane, reducere eșantioane |
Domenii in care se utilizeaza | agricultură, alimente, biologie, chimie/plastic, geologie/metalurgie, inginerie/electronică, materiale de construcții, medicină/produse farmaceutice , mediu/reciclare, sticlă/ceramică |
Material probă | materiale în vrac |
Dimensiunea probei* | <= 30 mm |
Viteza de rotație | 18 - 53 min-1 |
Volumul buncărului | depending on configuration: up to 30 l / 60 l |
Număr de distribuții | 30 l configuration: batch processing: 4/ 6 / 8 / 10 (depending on dividing module) processing with reject: 1 60l configuration: batch processing: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 (depending on dividing module) processing with reject: 1 |
Setare timp | digitală |
Volumul colectorului de rebuturi | 70 l |
Volume of segments for batch wise operation | 30 l configuration: 3,000 ml / 3,750 ml / 5,000 / 7,500 ml (depending on dividing module) 60 l configuration: 6,000 ml / 7,500 m l / 10,000 / 15,000 ml (depending on dividing module) |
Adjustment vibratory feeder | digitală |
Alimentare electrica | 100-120 V, 50/60 Hz; 200-240 V, 50/60Hz |
Conectare sursă de alimentare | monofazic |
Putere instalata | 500 VA |
W x H x D | 30 l configuration: 1180 x1510 x 750 mm 60 l configuration: 1180 x1620 x 750 mm |
Masa netă: | 30 l configuration: ~ 209 kg (incl. vibratory feeder) 60 l configuration: ~ 230 kg (incl. vibratory feeder) |
Standard | CE |
Supus modificărilor şi erorilor tehnice