The Verder Group is pleased to announce the establishment of Verder Scientific Iberia, our 13th local sales organization in the world, reinforcing our commitment to market expansion and closer customer engagement in Spain and Portugal.
With the Scientific Challenge, RETSCH, a leading manufacturer of laboratory mills and sieve shakers for the preparation and characterization of solids, has invited scientists from all over the world to present their research projects in areas such as recycling, green chemistry, materials development or life sciences. The only condition: ball mills are used in the project and the research is aimed at improving environmental and living conditions.
The readers of the German lab magazine LABO have elected the Retsch Mixer Mill MM 500 control Product of the Year 2022.
Ne face plăcere să vă anunțăm că, începând cu 1 iulie 2020, ca membru al grupului Verder Scientific, Retsch UK Ltd își va schimba denumirea în Verder Scientific UK Ltd.
Cu noua moară mixer MM 500 RETSCH a dezvoltat prima moară cu bile care are o frecvență de 35 Hz și care produce suficientă energie pentru măcinarea eficientă a probelor, atingând domeniul nanometric.
Căutați soluții inovatoare și eficiente pentru procesul dumneavoastră de producție aditivă sau de turnare prin injecție a pulberilor? Analiza dimensiunii și formei particulelor, analiza elementară, tratamentul termic, analiza microstructurală și testarea durității - companiile Verder Scientific oferă soluții de înaltă calitate combinate cu consultanță de specialitate și servicii de asistență în întreaga lume.
În broșura “Solutions for Additive Manufacturing & Powder Injection Molding”, găsiți oferta celor 6 companii
With the new SM 400 XL RETSCH have enhanced their cutting mill portfolio by a model for specific requirements.
The standard mill for sample homogenization in the food industry has been completely redesigned and further improved.
RETSCH – furnizor principal de soluții pentru omogenizarea și caracterizarea probelor de laborator – a adăugat în gama sa de produse o nouă presă pentru pastile.
Continua gama morilor cu discuri pentru volume de proba de pana la 2000 ml
RETSCH GmbH – world-leading supplier of lab equipment for sample homogenization and sieve analysis – have enhanced their product range with a complete line of instruments for applications with large feed sizes and high throughput rates.
Mainile de sitat RETSCH asigura o sitare precisa si garanteaza acuratetea rezultatelor.
Thanks to suitable accessories many RETSCH mills can be used for grinding processes with dry ice or liquid nitrogen.
A cég 100 éves fennállása alkalmából világszerte kerestük a legrégibb RETSCH készüléket.
The new generation of RETSCH rotor mills SR 300 and SK 300 has been greatly improved with regard to performance, handling and flexibility.
One of the most successful companies in the laboratory market celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. In 1915 Friedrich Kurt Retsch founded the F. Kurt Retsch GmbH & Co. KG whole sale company for laboratory supplies in Duesseldorf, Germany. By 1923 the company’s first own piece of laboratory equipment was patented, a mortar grinder which became known worldwide as the “Retsch Mill” and replaced tiresome manual grinding with hand mortars. This innovation earned Retsch an excellent reputation in the international science and research community.
with the new Vibratory Disc Mill RS 200
Grinding down to the nanometer range with innovative water cooling
Cryogenic grinding was never more convenient or efficient
The Dutch technology group VERDER has strengthened its international business activities by expanding the product portfolio. In addition to classic laboratory and analytical technology, their focus has now extended to high-temperature material testing and physiochemical analysis.
This rotor mill allows for extremely rapid size reduction of a vast range of materials which considerably increases the sample throughput in the sample prep laboratory.
The new PM 100 CM allows for gentle size reduction with less temperature rise
Out of more than 15,000 test grindings, the most frequent applications are available for free download.